Queensland Fruit Fly October alert – Cera Trap, netting, kaolin clay options

Sep 29, 2024 | QLD Fruit Fly

Despite recent cold weather, Queensland Fruit Fly have been reported as active for quite a few weeks in the Yarra Valley. By now your Cera Traps should be in place and it won’t hurt to continue to top up Wild May lures. Remember Wild May lures only take liquid to a depth of 20ml to be effective.

The next step is netting with insect exclusion netting which has a weave of 2mm x 2mm. You can buy it from Sustainable Macleod through the website or from Bulleen Art and Garden. It’s best to buy it off the roll, as rolls are 6 metres wide and this allows you to cover your produce and also to weigh the hem down with something heavy all the way around. For more detail see the September newsletter.

Netting requires in general being observant about the flowering and fruiting stages of fruit and vegetables. With the exception of tomatoes which are self-fertile, netting must not take place until pollination has occurred. There are 2 things that indicate that pollination has happened: firstly, the flowers have finished
and secondly that small green fruit are forming behind the flowers or where the flowers were.

When you notice either of these, net straight away. If there is not much ripe fruit around for QFF, they will sting and therefore lay eggs opportunistically, in small otherwise unappealing fruit.

Alternatively, spray fruit trees after pollination with kaolin clay, sold as Overhaul. This will also deter citrus gall wasp as well as QFF. Spray all fruit and branches until they drip and replenish as needed. This is a good option for fruit trees too large to net.

Where to purchase supplies:

  • Wild May, Cera Trap and off-the-roll insect exclusion netting (6m wide) can be purchased at cost price from Sustainable Macleod.
  • Kaolin clay and off-the-roll insect exclusion netting can be purchased at Bulleen Art and Garden.
  • Lure bottles can be purchased at most hardware stores and nurseries including Bunnings (they must have yellow lids to attract QFF).