Sustainable Macleod

Projects by Sustainable Macleod include the highly successful Vegie Swap, Community Garden, Tool Library and Seed Bank and a yearly sale of plants.

The garden

What’s going on

Check out our calendar of events for the Sustainable Macleod Community Garden opening times as well as the latest workshops and social events

Plant to Harvest – July

broad beans

Sat 6 July, 12 – 1pm

This is a comprehensive 12 month course covering planting, harvesting and all the jobs required in the garden each month. This month you will learn to grow leeks, onions, silverbeet and spinach. You will receive some seeds or seedlings to take home.

First Aid For Gardeners

child watering in the garden

Sat 14 July, 1.00pm

This session will include but not be limited to First Aid for bites, stings and poisoning, falls, sprains, cuts and burns. It will include the most common events that occur in and around your garden.

Living in the Salt Creek Catchment


Sun 21 July, 2pm

Restoration Ecologist, George Paras, will lead a discussion on ‘Living in the Salt Creek Catchment’, taking us through our local area in a casual presentation and conversation.

Latest from the blog

Featuring the latest Macleod news along with a variety of gardening and growing tips, recipes and information on sustainable living.

Winter awakenings in our bushlands

Winter awakenings in our bushlands

While most people associate spring with nature's revival, in fact our bushlands begin bursting back to life several months earlier; as autumn fades into winter. If you venture outdoors during the cooler months, you'll be treated to the awakening of a remarkable array...

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Should there be a ban on fossil fuel advertising?

Should there be a ban on fossil fuel advertising?

Likening the burning of fossil fuels to cigarette smoking, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called for a ban on fossil fuel advertising. Is a ban on this advertising necessary? Just as importantly: would it be effective? The reasoning behind a ban is twofold....

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Civil discourse: Talking across the divide

Civil discourse: Talking across the divide

How do you have a productive conversation with someone when you disagree with their point of view? Is it possible to talk across the divide when there is so much incivility in our community? As members of Sustainable Macleod, we can be expected to have strong views on...

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Join Sustainable Macleod

Become a member and get access to the community garden, the tool library and our seed library. We welcome all members of the community and have regular events and workshops to enjoy.

Join us