Winter awakenings in our bushlands

Winter awakenings in our bushlands

Winter awakenings in our bushlands While most people associate spring with nature’s revival, in fact our bushlands begin bursting back to life several months earlier; as autumn fades into winter. If you venture outdoors during the cooler months, you’ll be...
Wonderful wildlife plants series: Sweet Bursaria

Wonderful wildlife plants series: Sweet Bursaria

Wonderful wildlife plants series: Sweet Bursaria Are you looking to boost biodiversity and add a touch of native beauty to your garden? A Sweet Bursaria (Bursaria spinosa) or two would be a great addition. This indigenous small to medium-sized shrub is a powerhouse...
How much do you really know about eastern grey kangaroos?

How much do you really know about eastern grey kangaroos?

How much do you really know about eastern grey kangaroos? Eastern Grey Kangaroos (Marcrocarpus giganteus) are iconic Australian animals, commonly seen in our area, including at Gresswell Forest and in Banyule Flats. A recent video popped up in my social media feed...
The noisy miner problem

The noisy miner problem

The noisy miner problem In our backyards and parks, there’s a bird causing quite a ruckus: the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala). These birds are indigenous but have very much made themselves at home in urban environments. Unfortunately, they’re not...
Five reasons why you should plant Billy Buttons

Five reasons why you should plant Billy Buttons

Five reasons why you should plant Billy Buttons Summer is full of amazing flowers – dahlias, alyssum, chamomile, sweetpeas, cosmos, grevilleas, banksias, echinaceas, zinnias, marigolds and so the list goes on. Sunflowers are a long-time favourite summer stunner,...
The ‘devil bird’ has arrived

The ‘devil bird’ has arrived

The ‘devil bird’ has arrived In the mid-2010s when I lived in Indonesia, I learnt the distinctive call of the Eastern Koel (Eudynamys orientalis). The Eastern Koel (also sometimes known as the Common or Pacific Koel) migrates from eastern Indonesia and Papua New...