Announcing our Partnership with Ryset

Sustainable Macleod is thrilled to announce a partnership with Ryset in West Heidelberg. We have been supported by Ryset for several years and recently they made a substantial donation of materials to the Macleod Organic Community Garden. You have probably bought Ryset horticultural products from local nurseries. Look out for the name ‘Ryset’.
In their own words:
“Ryset (Aust) is a proud Australian owned, family company with over 80 years experience. We specialize in the manufacture and wholesale distribution of tools and equipment for the Australian horticulture industry. Our objective is to provide a broad range of quality, specialized tools for use in vineyards, orchards, and nurseries.
We are Australian agents for a number of world-renowned manufacturers the most famous being the French Electrocoup, German Lowe, Lisam from Italy, Corona from America, Bovi products from Spain and Vinetech which is completely Australian made.”