Banyule Community Garden Tour

Banyule Community Garden Tour – 28 October 10am – 2.30pm
If you want to explore Banyule’s community gardens, you can take an electric bus around Banyule to discover our five community gardens!
Organised by Banyule City Council, the event will include a tour of each garden with a couple of gardening activities at Sustainable Macleod Community Garden and St Johns Riverside Community Garden then a yummy lunch at Bellfield Community Garden.
Are you interested in exploring what Banyule’s community gardens have to offer? Perhaps you would like to learn some new skills to apply in your own garden?
The itinerary:
You will be picked up at Bellfield Community Garden in Bellfield, then travel to BUNA Reserve Community Garden for a tour and a talk, followed by Watsonia Library Community Garden for a tour and a talk, then to Sustainable Macleod Community Garden for a tour and an activity. Next is St Johns Riverside Community Garden for a tour and an activity, finishing up at Bellfield Community Garden with lunch and a tour, and the opportunity to buy some vegies from Farm Raiser!
There will be a $10 donation with the full ticket sales going back to our community gardens. The event is free for financial members of Sustainable Macleod.
Early booking is advised, book now
Written by Paul Gale-Baker