24 March 2025 | April, QLD Fruit Fly
Queensland Fruit Fly alert – April As in March, your winter fruit is at risk. At risk right now are persimmons, guavas, feijoas, pomegranates (despite their tough skin) and citrus, but any fruit including berries is susceptible. This is the time to put out Wild...
24 March 2025 | Australian Natives
Why autumn is the best time to plant indigenous species It’s been a long dry summer. According to the Bureau of Meterology, during December, January and February Viewbanks’s mean temperature was 2.1 degrees above average and rainfall was about 80%. And March has...
24 March 2025 | Biodiversity, Gardening tips
Soil amendments and fertilisers: are they the same? The terms ‘soil amendment’ and ‘fertiliser’ are sometimes used interchangeably, but in fact mean quite different things. However, some substances such as compost and aged manures can function as both. Amendment...
24 February 2025 | Gardening tips, March, Monthly Guides
Urgent jobs in the garden for March Save seeds from the garden. Net fruit trees including citrus, guava, feijoa, pear, apple, quince, loquat, persimmon, grape and olive. Also net tomatoes, eggplants, capsicums and chillies. Use fine net, tying tightly at the base to...
24 February 2025 | Gardening tips, Garlic, March, Monthly Guides, Root Vegetables
March garlic hint March is the time to prepare your beds for planting in March or April depending on garlic varieties chosen. Choose a site with full sun which is well drained. If not well drained or the soil is heavy, build a raised bed. Do not grow garlic where you...
24 February 2025 | Gardening tips, March, Monthly Guides |
What to plant in March in Melbourne Planting in March March is the time to put all your effort into preparing your soil for heavy-feeding winter crops which are best planted in April. Once upon a time, March signalled the beginning of autumn, and cooler weather, but...