Queensland Fruit Fly alert – April

Queensland Fruit Fly alert – April

Queensland Fruit Fly alert – April As in March, your winter fruit is at risk. At risk right now are persimmons, guavas, feijoas, pomegranates (despite their tough skin) and citrus, but any fruit including berries is susceptible. This is the time to put out Wild...
Urgent jobs in the garden for April

Urgent jobs in the garden for April

Urgent jobs in the garden for April Save last seeds from the garden. Microwave, freeze, solarise or drown any fallen fruit or fruit infested with Queensland Fruit Fly or codling moth including quince, apples, citrus, guava, feijoa, berries and any other fruit growing...
What to plant in April in Melbourne

What to plant in April in Melbourne

What to plant in April in Melbourne Planting in April Your beds should by now be prepared for autumn planting. Check the weather forecast as far ahead as possible and wait until after any very warm/hot weather to plant to avoid seedlings bolting. Autumn/winter...