Eating the humble radish

I remember my mother made radish roses for the salad on Sundays during the summer with the other produce from our garden. Lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, spring onions and beetroot were the mainstays. We also grew peas and beans, but they were only eaten with meat and three vegies. Dad tended the garden with much love and pride. I helped weed and water that garden and thinking back there was not a lot of variety in the way these vegies were served in a very Anglo-Saxon family.
We only ate radishes raw with salad back then. Speaking with several people lately I discovered they also had limited ideas on serving radishes. I’ve been investigating what other ways radishes can be enjoyed. With our multicultural cuisine now, there are a host of recipes out there.
Radishes are rich in antioxidants and minerals like calcium and potassium.
Radishes are versatile and good eaten raw or cooked. Crunchy, spicy radishes add a punch to many dishes whether sliced raw as a garnish, added to salads or served roasted as a side dish. When roasted, radishes become tender and juicy with subtle sweet taste like young turnips.
In following my childhood perception of radishes as a ‘raw only’ vegetable. The truth is, they’re just as good – if not better cooked.
Have you ever considered using the leaf of the radish? They can be made into pesto, used in soup, sautéed with garlic and lemon, or mixed with chard or silverbeet in other dishes. They can be pickled also; I am currently trialing several recipes. Have a look online to widen your horizons about what to do with the humble radish.
Written by Sandra Macneil