FOGO Waste Collection in Banyule

The kerbside green waste revolution coming soon
A new waste management system is coming our way soon, with the start of the Food Organic and Garden Organic (FOGO) waste collection in the City of Banyule.
From 4 July, food and garden waste will be collected every week. The new system responds to the massive problem of food wastage – more than 40% of household rubbish in Banyule is food wastage.
While Sustainable Macleod members are already conscious of their waste habits and are compost-aware, more can be done across every household to cut compostable waste co-mingling with other general waste. When food waste goes to landfill it breaks down as methane – a greenhouse gas. The move to FOGO helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and more compost can be created for gardens, parks and farms.
New bin routines explained
Your existing garden waste bin (GREEN lid) will become your FOGO bin.
Between now and late June, each household will receive a kitchen caddy for collecting kitchen food waste. It will come with FOGO instructions and a calendar showing new bin collection days.
From 4 July, rubbish going to landfill (RED lid) will be collected fortnightly. Most households will have already received a new, larger bin with a red cover for rubbish going to landfill.
The existing recycling bin (YELLOW lid) will remain the same and be collected fortnightly.
Red rubbish bins will be collected one week and yellow recycling bins will be collected the following week.
Your FOGO bin will be collected every week.
Here’s what you should be putting in your FOGO bin:
Kitchen scraps and leftovers, including meat, bones, fruits, vegetables, dairy, bread, rice, pasta, tea leaves and coffee grinds.
The council organised a pilot FOGO service with 500 residents before implementing the permanent change. Watch the video about the FOGO trial.
For further information, including tips on reducing rubbish odour, check out the FOGO info page.
Written by Amanda Tattam