FREE mesh bags to prevent Queensland Fruit Fly attacking your fruit!

Mesh bags with a fine weave are an excellent tool to combat Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF). The bags, which have a drawstring, can be slipped easily over bunches of fruit and secured around the branch. It’s a good idea to place a circle of wire or a stick within the bag to ensure the fabric does not touch the fruit as female QFF can sting straight through the mesh and into the surface of the fruit.
Through a Banyule City Council Environment Grant, Sustainable Macleod has bought several thousand of these bags which are available in packs of six to any gardener in Banyule. You do not have to be a member of Sustainable Macleod to receive the bags.
To collect six free bags, come to the Macleod Organic Community Garden (MOCG) on Wednesdays or Saturdays between 1 and 4pm. MOCG is in the back of Macleod College on Somers Avenue, 200m north of the NETS Stadium and Macleod Railway Station, opposite the new railway substation.