18 May 2024 | QLD Fruit Fly
You CAN defeat Queensland Fruit Fly! Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) arrived in the northern areas of Banyule from the Yarra Valley, about 5 years ago and has spread suburb by suburb. If it hasn’t arrived in your area, expect it next season and take action or risk...
29 April 2024 | Gardening tips, May, Monthly Guides
Urgent jobs in the garden for May Make compost. Collect autumn leaves to make leaf litter or to add to compost. Add sparingly to compost as too much in a layer causes matting. Mix leaves well with other ingredients to prevent this. Net brassicas and Asian greens with...
25 March 2024 | April, Gardening tips, Monthly Guides
Urgent jobs in the garden for April Save last seeds from the garden. Microwave, freeze, solarise or drown any fallen fruit or fruit infested with Queensland Fruit Fly or codling moth including quince, apples, citrus, guava, feijoa, berries and any other fruit growing...
20 August 2023 | Waste & consumerism
New waste series It’s amazing how much we are all into recycling but how little care is taken NOT to contaminate waste whether it be the yellow bin or the green bin. For the next few months our ‘Waste’ article in this newsletter will focus on easy...
29 July 2023 | QLD Fruit Fly
Begin your Queensland Fruit Fly Prevention strategy NOW! Now is the time to begin your campaign against Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF). Don’t delay! This pest is already the scourge of fruit and vegetable growers throughout the northern suburbs, but without doubt...