What Banyule Clean Energy Group can do for local organisations

Local support centre BANSIC, which provides emergency food relief and other services, has experienced much higher demand for assistance over the past year. As a result, they’ve had to install additional fridges and freezers to store enough food for our community’s growing needs. This has sent their energy bills skyrocketing – and they already just get by with minimal funding.
In addition, the extra appliances are heating up the building to an uncomfortable degree, especially on hot summer days. So they’ve asked Banyule Clean Energy Group if we can help them find ways to improve their energy efficiency – and lower the bills – as well as have their building’s thermal envelope assessed. An effective thermal envelope can deliver significant cost savings in energy bills.
We’re wondering if you’re in a similar situation to BANSIC – or know an organisation or business who is. If so, we’d love to hear from you. Why?
We’re in a great position to be able to provide energy efficiency assessments as part of a project with students at RMIT University’s Sustainable Building Innovation Laboratory. This will benefit you and the students. Please contact us ASAP if you’d like to take part in a free energy efficiency and thermal envelope assessment – enquiries@banyulecleanenergy.org
Once the assessment is completed, BCEG can assist you to find the grants and rebates you need to make improvements as cost effectively as possible. We’ve been able to do this for organisations such as IDV, a disability service provider, and Murundaka Co-housing Community, helping them make huge reductions in the costs of their energy efficiency improvements and solar installations. And we’d love to help you too.
Written by Amanda Collier. First Published in the Banyule Clean Energy Group Newsletter on 23 February 2022
*Banyule Clean Energy Group is a not-for profit group of volunteers, including some Sustainable Macleod members, who support and empower residents, businesses and organisations in the City of Banyule to make strategic decisions with renewable energy and energy efficiency.
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