What to plant in December in Melbourne

Plant in punnets
It is too late to raise most summer vegies in punnets because, by the time they are big enough to fruit, the season will be almost over. The following quick growing vegies and herbs are the exception:
- lettuce, rocket, and salad greens
- mustard greens (peppery tasting greens)
- all types of basil, dill, and chamomile.
Plant out seedlings of:
- basil
- beans (in partial shade)
- capsicum and chilli
- celery (needs a huge amount of water)
- cucumber
- eggplant
- lettuce and salad greens
- melon
- pumpkin
- rocket
- silverbeet
- sweet corn
- tomato
- zucchini
Sow seed direct into the soil
Asian greens, beans (in partial shade), beetroot, carrots, parsnip, radish, and potato.
Note about water and cover.
All summer vegies need plenty of water so that they do not go to seed. Water deeply at least twice per week and deeply for several days before any heat wave. Well hydrated plants will not scorch. Cover with shade cloth or fabric to protect fruit from being sunburnt during a heat wave.
For the best site (sun, partial sun, partial shade) in the garden for each vegetable refer to ‘How much sun do my vegies need?’
For preparation refer to ‘Preparing a spring/summer or autumn/winter vegie garden’
For directions for planting in punnets and for soil preparation for direct sowing refer to ‘How to plant seeds in punnets’
Written by Robin Gale-Baker