What to plant in June in Melbourne

Late in June begin planting seeds in punnets for early spring planting in late August/September. Succession plant some winter seedlings so that they will be available when your first crop finishes and carry you through to the time when spring vegetables are ready. It is now too late to plant garlic.
Plant seeds in punnets in a greenhouse
Cucumber, pumpkin, tomato and zucchini
Plant seedlings into soil
Plant seeds direct into the soil
Asian greens, broad beans, carrot, daikon, mustard greens, parsnip, peas, radish, rocket, turnip and herbs including coriander, chervil and dill
Use exclusion netting on Asian greens, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, kohlrabi and turnip
Succession planting
Plant seedlings every few weeks so that they will not all be ready for harvest at the same time.
Water soil (not leaves) deeply at least twice per week. (Rainfall less than 10mm per day does not count). Install dripline if possible.
Useful links
How much sun do my vegies need?
Preparing for a spring/summer garden
Planting in punnets and soil preparation for direct sowing
Instructional video on how to use a pH kit
Written by Robin Gale-Baker