
Our blog features a variety of gardening and growing tips on topics such as soil biology, wicking bed construction, composting, grafting, pruning, water-saving and irrigation. Plus we regularly post recipes to help you make the most of the ‘seasonal glut’ and tips on how to live in a more sustainable way.
Queensland Fruit Fly alert – April

Queensland Fruit Fly alert – April

As in March, your winter fruit is at risk. At risk right now are persimmons, guavas, feijoas, pomegranates (despite their tough skin) and citrus, but any fruit including berries is susceptible. This is the time to put out Wild May again because the females are dying...

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Indigenous grasses: summer blooms for your garden

Indigenous grasses: summer blooms for your garden

When you think of flowers in late summer, grasses probably aren’t the first thing that comes to mind. But Melbourne’s locally native (indigenous) grasses put on a beautiful show at this time of year, with delicate flowers that shimmer in the sunlight and attract all...

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Electrifying my home with Goodbye Gas

Electrifying my home with Goodbye Gas

It’s been an interesting journey to make my 25-year-old home more sustainable. Originally, I installed a 1 kW solar system, and solar boost for my original gas hot water system. I added a thermal assessment of my home, draught proofing, and extra insulation. More...

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Harvesting, curing and storing pumpkins

Harvesting, curing and storing pumpkins

Pumpkins are planted in spring and harvested in autumn. That means they take up space for anything from 4-6 months so harvesting, curing and storing them carefully is a must if we are not to waste that long growing period and have our own supply throughout winter. How...

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