
Our blog features a variety of gardening and growing tips on topics such as soil biology, wicking bed construction, composting, grafting, pruning, water-saving and irrigation. Plus we regularly post recipes to help you make the most of the ‘seasonal glut’ and tips on how to live in a more sustainable way.
Possums raiding my vegie patch

Possums raiding my vegie patch

Possums raiding suburban Melbourne home vegetable gardens is a common occurrence. While they are native to our areas, both ringtail and brushtail possums are in larger numbers than they would have been pre-colonisation - and they have less to eat in winter. The...

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Nuclear energy – taboo no more?

Nuclear energy – taboo no more?

Environmental activists have long opposed the introduction of nuclear energy to Australia. With the planned shutdown of coal-fired power stations possibly by 2034, what are the options for generating power, and should nuclear energy be considered? Recent talk of...

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Winter awakenings in our bushlands

Winter awakenings in our bushlands

While most people associate spring with nature's revival, in fact our bushlands begin bursting back to life several months earlier; as autumn fades into winter. If you venture outdoors during the cooler months, you'll be treated to the awakening of a remarkable array...

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