7 July 2023 | Australian Natives, Biodiversity
Hardy & cheap local native plants for your garden While it’s a relatively lean season in the vegetable garden, it’s the perfect time to be planting lots of indigenous plants, allowing them to develop roots and settle in before the spring and the growing season...
4 June 2023 | Biodiversity
8 cool things about mosses Until recently I’ve never paid mosses much attention. I’m ashamed to admit I remember peeling blankets of moss off rocks as a kid and building imaginary fairy villages with them. Lately though, I’ve been appreciating their beauty as they...
25 April 2023 | Biodiversity
Microbats: nature’s answer to mosquito control I grew up in a mud brick and recycled timber house with inevitable little gaps in lots of places. Maybe it’s unsurprising then that I have grown to love our native microbats. We had one flying around inside after dark at...
28 February 2023 | Biodiversity
Bulleen River Red Gum to stay There’s some good news about the Bulleen River Red Gum, with confirmation from the North East Link Project team that it will no longer be felled for construction works. This is a significant win for locals who were outraged about its...
30 January 2023 | Biodiversity
Creating hollows for wildlife with chainsaws Many of our native birds and animals rely on tree hollows for their survival. Without them they can’t find shelter to raise their young. Due to a lack of big old hollow-bearing trees, Banyule City Council have recently...
10 December 2022 | Biodiversity
A rare flash of copper wings A rare flash of copper wings The Eltham Copper Butterfly (Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida) is an endangered species that occurs only in Victoria. It is only known in four areas in the state, one being Eltham, Montmorency and Greensborough. The...