1 June 2023 | Gardening tips, Garlic, June, Monthly Guides, Root Vegetables
June garlic hint There is not much to do for garlic in June – it is now too late to plant it. Presuming you have weeded, mulched and watered your patch, you have done all you need to. Now it is time to wait until the shortest day after which garlic heads will...
25 April 2023 | Gardening tips
Compost activators, accelerators, starters, boosters, inoculators – do you need to pay for them? First, let’s define what terms like activators and accelerators mean. This is not easy because most people, including commercial manufacturers of such...
25 April 2023 | Brassicas, Gardening tips
Silverbeet, spinach, Swiss chard, rainbow chard… what is the difference? Top planting tips: prepare soil to a fine tilth soak silverbeet/chard seed but not spinach seed add compost or well-rotted manure keep well watered Silverbeet, spinach, Swiss chard and rainbow...
2 April 2023 | QLD Fruit Fly
QFF success at the community garden! Sustainable Macleod has succeeded in having a summer season with NO infection of fruit and vegetables at the community garden! We are proud of this achievement and inspired to spread the word about how we did this throughout the...
2 April 2023 | Gardening tips
Comfrey Comfrey In the 1970s, comfrey (Symphytum Officinale) was the ‘in’ herb. Countless articles, papers and books were written on the subject, trials held and societies formed to promote it. Sadly, it is rather obscure these days partly because in spite...
2 April 2023 | Gardening tips
10 tips for winter vegetable planting in Melbourne Brassicas – cauliflower, cabbage, cabbage, kale 1. Before planting out, dip seedlings in Dipel, an organic bacterium that takes care of green caterpillars, the eggs of which may already be on the underside of...