24 February 2024 | Gardening tips, March, Monthly Guides
Urgent jobs in the garden for March Save seeds from the garden. Net fruit trees including citrus, guava, feijoa, pear, apple, quince, loquat, persimmon, grape and olive. Also net tomatoes, eggplants, capsicums and chillies. Use fine net, tying tightly at the base to...
24 February 2024 | Gardening tips, Garlic, March, Monthly Guides, Root Vegetables
March garlic hint March is the time to prepare your beds for planting in March or April depending on garlic varieties chosen. Choose a site with full sun which is well drained. If not well drained or the soil is heavy, build a raised bed. Do not grow garlic where you...
24 February 2024 | Gardening tips, March, Monthly Guides |
What to plant in March in Melbourne Planting in March March is the time to put all your effort into preparing your soil for heavy-feeding winter crops which are best planted in April. Once upon a time, March signalled the beginning of autumn, and cooler weather, but...
28 January 2024 | Gardening tips, QLD Fruit Fly
Take action now to prevent QFF in your garden next season If you were hit by an outbreak of Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) this season, now is not the time to give up. In fact, now is the time to get busy and reduce your risk of an outbreak next season. The key task is to...
24 January 2024 | Gardening tips
The joy of thornless berries Do you love berries but groan at the price, despair at how quickly they can become mouldy and dislike being pricked as you harvest them? The answer may be to grow a thornless variety – you’ll have an abundance of berries at no...
27 November 2023 | Gardening tips
Beat the heat wave with quick, easy and temporary shade structures When the temperature soars, it’s time to shade our fruit and vegies, but how? We can build permanent structures that come at a hefty price and will be permanent, but that may not suit our garden...