Welcome to Sustainable Macleod

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About Sustainable Macleod

Sustainable Macleod works on 4 pillars of sustainability- edible gardening/food security, biodiversity, clean energy and waste.

Projects by Sustainable Macleod include a wide range of events and workshops, the Sustainable Macleod Community Garden, a tool library and seed bank for members and sale of plants raised in the Garden.

Latest from the blog

Featuring the latest Macleod news along with a variety of gardening and growing tips, recipes and information on sustainable living.

Banyule Community Garden Tour

Banyule Community Garden Tour

Banyule Community Garden Tour - 28 October 10am - 2.30pm If you want to explore Banyule's community gardens, you can take an electric bus around Banyule to discover our five community gardens! Organised by Banyule City Council, the event will include a tour of each...

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Queensland Fruit Fly – Bulk buy of Cera Traps?

Queensland Fruit Fly – Bulk buy of Cera Traps?

Would you be interested in a Cera Trap bulk buy where you can purchase only as many traps and as much liquid as you need? Cera Trap is very effective in controlling Queensland Fruit Fly. It is a protein liquid that attracts both males and females. The QFF drown in the...

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Tips on growing ginger and turmeric

Tips on growing ginger and turmeric

On my recent travels I was lucky enough to meet a man who grows ginger and turmeric in Queensland and he gave me some great tips. As well as confirming what I had written in a previous article in 2020 based on my own experience, I now have some specific tips to pass...

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Sustainable Macleod Clean Energy Expo 2023

Sustainable Macleod Clean Energy Expo 2023

Sustainable Macleod Clean Energy Expo 2023 Sunday 19 November, 11am - 3pm Climate-proof your home, save money and help the planet! Would you like to reduce your home's energy consumption but don't know where to start? Have you wondered what it's like to own an EV?...

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Buy eggplant, chilli and capsicum seedlings

Buy eggplant, chilli and capsicum seedlings

Eggplant, chilli and capsicum need a high soil temperature to germinate. They will not germinate in low temperatures. As it will be late in the season in the Melbourne climate before soil temperatures achieve sufficient warmth, it is wise to purchase these seedlings...

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Join Sustainable Macleod

Become a member and get access to the community garden, the tool library and our seed library. We welcome all members of the community and have regular events and workshops to enjoy.

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