About Sustainable Macleod
Sustainable Macleod works on 4 pillars of sustainability- edible gardening/food security, biodiversity, clean energy and waste.
Projects by Sustainable Macleod include a wide range of events and workshops, the Sustainable Macleod Community Garden, a tool library and seed bank for members and sale of plants raised in the Garden.

Latest from the blog
Featuring the latest Macleod news along with a variety of gardening and growing tips, recipes and information on sustainable living.
Native mint bush: A beautiful native alternative to a polygala
Native mint bush: A beautiful native alternative to a polygala Polygalas are flowering at the moment. With its purple pea flowers, they are a lovely looking large shrub often known as Sweet Pea Shrub (but not to be confused with annual Sweet Peas), Butterfly Bush or...
The BANSIC Christmas Hamper Appeal
As the holiday season approaches, The Banyule Support and Information Centre is seeking your support to fill our Christmas hampers, which are distributed to individuals and families in need. December is our busiest month, and our dedicated volunteers are hard at work...
Everyone on board to save UK pollinators
In the UK in the last 80 years, lowland meadows which are the prime source of wildflowers for pollinators, have decreased by 97%. In actual terms that is a reduction from 13 million hectares to just 100,000 hectares. Almost too late, people have realised how serious...
Ditch the car and plane – take the train
High-speed train travel Imagine travelling between Melbourne and Sydney without having to spend more than 8 hours (plus rest breaks and perhaps an overnight stop), in a car, or catching a plane, with all the inconvenience and cost involved. What if the journey took...
Sustainability – the new buzz word in the UK and Europe
In July, August and September, my husband Paul and I travelled extensively in the UK and Europe. We were amazed and pleased with the emphasis on climate change action everywhere we went. We could not look side ways without seeing the word 'sustainability' or hearing...
Queensland Fruit Fly alert – November
The most important action in November is to get your insect seclusion netting in place. QFF will be active in Macleod and surrounds already. (It is so small you won't see it). Net: tomatoes at planting time as they are self fertile capsicum, chillies and eggplants as...
Join Sustainable Macleod
Become a member and get access to the community garden, the tool library and our seed library. We welcome all members of the community and have regular events and workshops to enjoy.