30 August 2022 | Biodiversity
A pink, red and white spring show Take a drive to many places in Victoria at the moment and you’re likely to see our state’s floral emblem in all of its splendour. But did you know it grows exceptionally well as a pot plant or planted directly into your garden? The...
30 July 2022 | Biodiversity
Poor & declining: the state of our environment The State of the Environment report 2021 came as an unsurprising, but nonetheless devastating blow last month. In June 2021, 1385 plant and 533 animal species were listed as threatened, including 21% of all...
29 June 2022 | Biodiversity
5 pretty purple local plants in Banyule Nature abhors bare earth. Where there’s bare earth, mother nature finds something to fill it. In spring, that’ll likely be weeds. Why not instead fill some small spots in your garden with something that’s pretty and local to the...
29 June 2022 | Biodiversity
The life in the soil and why you should soil your undies! Diversity is important. Above ground, there is an amazing array of plants, birds, animals, flowers and insects. In the ocean, there are amazing fishes, crustaceans and other animals. Diversity below the ground...
2 June 2022 | Biodiversity
8 Ways to Reduce Light Pollution Impacts on Wildlife Leaving unnecessary lights on at night is a waste of electricity, carbon emissions and money. Importantly, it’s also creating harmful impacts on some of our wildlife. Artificial light at night directly impacts the...
1 May 2022 | Biodiversity |
The Swift Parrots are back! The Swift Parrots (Lathamus discolor) have returned to mainland Australia. Research published in December 2020 suggests there may only be several hundred Swift Parrots left, meaning they are on the very brink of extinction. Logging and...