3 February 2025 | Cucurbits, Gardening tips
Harvesting, curing and storing pumpkins Pumpkins are planted in spring and harvested in autumn. That means they take up space for anything from 4-6 months so harvesting, curing and storing them carefully is a must if we are not to waste that long growing period and...
27 February 2022 | Cucurbits, Gardening tips
What’s wrong with my zucchini? I have always assumed that pollination is a once off event for fruit and vegetables. In other words, I’ve always assumed that a fruit has either been pollinated or it has not. But, from my research, it appears that this is not true...
26 January 2022 | Cucurbits, Gardening tips
Can I save zucchini seed? Top tips for saving zucchini seeds allow fruit to fully mature on the vine until skin is hard cover male and female flowers with mesh bags and hand pollinate ferment the seed The short answer to whether you can save zucchini seed is...
22 November 2021 | Cucurbits, Gardening tips |
Growing cucurbits – cucumber, zucchini and pumpkin Position Plant in September in punnets, or from October to December outside. Choose a site with full sun and shelter from wind. Soil Preparation Plant cucurbits as seed or seedlings on mounds of compost with a...