About Sustainable Macleod
Sustainable Macleod works on 4 pillars of sustainability- edible gardening/food security, biodiversity, clean energy and waste.
Projects by Sustainable Macleod include a wide range of events and workshops, the Sustainable Macleod Community Garden, a tool library and seed bank for members and sale of plants raised in the Garden.

Latest from the blog
Featuring the latest Macleod news along with a variety of gardening and growing tips, recipes and information on sustainable living.
What is a sustainable community? Part 2
What is a sustainable communityPart 2: Inclusion, diversity and belonging Last month I used Sustainable Macleod as an example of an organisation seeking to assist the development of a sustainable community. In this article, I want to dig a little deeper, into what a...
Pruning and care of fruit trees
Pruning and care of fruit trees First published in July 2022 Top tips follow the timetable below for individual fruit trees prune on a warm, dry day, especially for apricots and cherries avoid using wound healing sprays remove suckers avoid Bordeaux mix and use lime...
What to plant in June in Melbourne
Late in June begin planting seeds in punnets for early spring planting in late August/September. Succession plant some winter seedlings so that they will be available when your first crop finishes and carry you through to the time when spring vegetables are ready. It...
Urgent jobs in the garden for June
Make compost. Collect autumn leaves to make leaf litter or to add to compost. Mow the leaves before using. Add sparingly to compost as too much in a layer causes matting. Mix leaves well with other ingredients to prevent this. Net brassicas and Asian greens with...
June garlic hint
There is not much to do for garlic in June - it is now too late to plant it. Presuming you have weeded, mulched and watered your patch, you have done all you need to. Now it is time to wait until the shortest day after which garlic heads will develop. Garlic is...
Compost activators, accelerators, starters, boosters, inoculators – do you need to pay for them?
First, let's define what terms like activators and accelerators mean. This is not easy because most people, including commercial manufacturers of such products, use these terms interchangeably and do not define what they mean. Manufacturers do not detail the actual...
Join Sustainable Macleod
Become a member and get access to the community garden, the tool library and our seed library. We welcome all members of the community and have regular events and workshops to enjoy.