19 August 2024 | Gardening tips, Garlic, Monthly Guides, Root Vegetables, September
September garlic hint In September, garlic bulbs will be swelling. This is the time to make sure they are watered deeply twice a week, well mulched and weed free. Spray with a seaweed solution (not a nitrogen based fertiliser) such as Seasol about every 3 weeks....
19 August 2024 | Gardening tips, Monthly Guides, September
Urgent jobs in the garden for September Make compost. Add potash or wood ash (both potassium) to soil to increase flower and fruit set. Tie hessian or cardboard around apple, pear and quince tree trunks for codling moth to lay in (remove and burn in 4 weeks then...
26 July 2024 | August, Gardening tips, Monthly Guides
Urgent jobs in the garden for August Weed, weed, weed! As the weather warms in August, seed germinates and weeds take over. Make compost. Prune fruit trees once they have lost their leaves; remove all mummified fruit from the branches. Spray peach and nectarine trees...
26 July 2024 | August, Gardening tips, Monthly Guides
What to plant in August in Melbourne August is the month to plant spring seedlings in punnets and some direct into the ground. Should a frost be imminent, cover seedlings the night before with cloth. If the worst comes to the worst and you find frost on your plants...
15 July 2024 | August, Gardening tips, Garlic, Monthly Guides, Root Vegetables
August Garlic TipAug 15, 2021 | Gardening tips, Garlic This hint covers the end of winter and the beginning of spring which have slightly different requirements. The first thing to do is observe your garlic plants and note whether there is any yellowing on the tips or...
6 July 2024 | Gardening tips, July, Monthly Guides
What to plant in July in Melbourne A guide to what to plant in July can be found in self-sown plants in the garden. In my garden, there is an abundance of self-sown parsley, coriander, lettuce, other salad greens and tomatoes. Begin planting seeds in punnets for...