Welcome to Sustainable Macleod

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About Sustainable Macleod

Sustainable Macleod works on 4 pillars of sustainability- edible gardening/food security, biodiversity, clean energy and waste.

Projects by Sustainable Macleod include a wide range of events and workshops, the Sustainable Macleod Community Garden, a tool library and seed bank for members and sale of plants raised in the Garden.

Latest from the blog

Featuring the latest Macleod news along with a variety of gardening and growing tips, recipes and information on sustainable living.

Microbats: nature’s answer to mosquito control

Microbats: nature’s answer to mosquito control

I grew up in a mud brick and recycled timber house with inevitable little gaps in lots of places. Maybe it’s unsurprising then that I have grown to love our native microbats. We had one flying around inside after dark at least a couple of times every year. When I was...

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What is a sustainable community? Part 1

What is a sustainable community? Part 1

As we approach the Annual General Meeting, it is timely to revisit the concept of a sustainable community and Sustainable Macleod's purpose and place in the community. The name 'Sustainable Macleod' was chosen for our organisation to indicate that our purpose was to...

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Polystyrene Waste

Polystyrene Waste

From bean bags to waterways – why polystyrene has to be eradicated from our lives. In the early 1970s, my family had two orange bean bags. They were very fashionable items at the time, and besides the allure of lounging in them, I loved unzipping the bags and plunging...

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QFF success at the community garden!

QFF success at the community garden!

Sustainable Macleod has succeeded in having a summer season with NO infection of fruit and vegetables at the community garden! We are proud of this achievement and inspired to spread the word about how we did this throughout the Banyule community and beyond. Please...

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Jagajaga Community Volunteer Awards

Jagajaga Community Volunteer Awards

Congratulations to Sustainable Macleod's nominees for Jagajaga Community Volunteer awards. From left Amanda Tattam, Lou Marks and Jen Willis. Amanda and Jen were recognised for their contributions to the newsletter and development of Sustainable Macleod’s...

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Join Sustainable Macleod

Become a member and get access to the community garden, the tool library and our seed library. We welcome all members of the community and have regular events and workshops to enjoy.

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