Banyule Candidates Sustainablity Survey

Banyule Candidates Sustainablity Survey

Banyule Candidates Sustainablity Survey Every 4 years councillors are elected to represent the community, and the next Council election  is coming up shortly on Saturday, 24th October 2020. At this election, Banyule’s profile will consist of 9 wards with 1...
Tomato plants available for members to collect

Tomato plants available for members to collect

Each member receives 6 FREE tomato plants each year.  We currently have 6 varieties of cherry tomato, 5 varieties of medium size tomato and 1 variety of large tomato. And there are more varieties coming on. In the next few weeks, corn, zucchini, cucumber, and pumpkin...
A clean energy plan for Banyule

A clean energy plan for Banyule

A clean energy plan for Banyule Banyule City Council has released the Community Climate Action Plan, following feedback and submissions through the Shaping Banyule Portal on the BCC website. The Plan is intended to have the Council take the lead in “planning...
Members growing spring seedlings at home

Members growing spring seedlings at home

Sustainable Macleod is keen to continue to supply the community garden, members and the public with its much revered spring seedlings. Because the community garden is closed, members have taken on the task of raising seedlings from home. Robin’s potting shed and...
Work going on at Macleod Organic Community Garden

Work going on at Macleod Organic Community Garden

The last month has seen a works’ program at the community garden. Chris Newman orchestrated the trenching, laying of water pipe and water sensors for 6 new taps throughout the garden plus a water meter to measure our usage. This will improve the efficient...