Welcome to Sustainable Macleod

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About Sustainable Macleod

Sustainable Macleod works on 4 pillars of sustainability- edible gardening/food security, biodiversity, clean energy and waste.

Projects by Sustainable Macleod include a wide range of events and workshops, the Sustainable Macleod Community Garden, a tool library and seed bank for members and sale of plants raised in the Garden.

Latest from the blog

Featuring the latest Macleod news along with a variety of gardening and growing tips, recipes and information on sustainable living.

Lettuce and light

Lettuce and light

Light-dark requirements for lettuce seed germination Top tips: lettuce seed needs light to germinate lettuce seed has a shelf life of one year prepare a firm, moist seed bed for planting lettuce and keep seed moist at all times know the light and dark requirements for...

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5 pretty purple local plants in Banyule

5 pretty purple local plants in Banyule

Nature abhors bare earth. Where there’s bare earth, mother nature finds something to fill it. In spring, that’ll likely be weeds. Why not instead fill some small spots in your garden with something that’s pretty and local to the area? They’ll require very little (if...

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Myths about Sustainable Macleod

Myths about Sustainable Macleod

Sustainable Macleod is nearly 11 years old. We were a small group back in 2011and there are just a few of the original members still involved. It is not surprising that myths and misunderstandings have grown up over the years. Time to set some of them right! Myth #1:...

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Join Sustainable Macleod

Become a member and get access to the community garden, the tool library and our seed library. We welcome all members of the community and have regular events and workshops to enjoy.

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